Episode 39.5

Here arrives the third installment in the annual “Samhain” episode. Once you begin this sonic journey you’ll be prepared for the darker months ahead of you. Unless, of course, you do not reside in the hemisphere in which this collection was assembled. In which case, I suppose you could utilize these sounds to cool your brow.

Hopefully this selection of songs finds you well. I tried to be more representative of the wider swath of genres I dabble within, so I may have over-shot myself. You tell me if this is incoherent. Enjoy and thank you for your support.

See you in one week for the 40th episode in our regularly scheduled malevolence.

The artists and their respective tracks are as follows with each track time noted in the parentheses after each track:

01) Trench Stench – “Fullmoon Sacrifice”
02) Aucun – “Staring from the Hollows” (01:25)
03) Blot & Bod – “Kom i hu” (03:45)
04) Innumerable Forms – “Catacombs Beneath the Frozen Sea” (05:35)
05) Geld – “The Floor” (06:25)
06) Burnt Skull – “Abduction (Lost Underground)” (07:00)
07) Human Failure – “Disassembling Morality” (08:45)
08) Raspberry Bulbs – “Interlude II” (11:15)
09) The Gault – “Ire” (13:00)
10) Witchcraft – “Bewitchment at the Avernus Gate” (15:30)
11) Aisna – “Celsclan” (16:55)
12) Gate Master – “Ritual…Declaration…” (19:05)
13) Voids of Nirvana – “Orthopraxy Abandoned” (20:35)
14) Akitsa – “Dernier souffle” (22:00)
15) Vide – “It Just Is.” (24:05)
16) Agalloch – “A Celebration for the Death of Man…” (24:50)
17) Ifernach – “↟ ↟ ↟” (27:10)

*Reminder: You can follow A|E on Instagram for more content: @anxiety_eternal. 

Episode 39

The rain and the cool have returned which brings much joy to my heart. Gone (for now, at least) is the heat and the stinging brightness of Summer and in its place is a comforting chill.

Perhaps this abrupt switch in climate lead to this month’s episode being heavier on the black metal than recent installments from the hotter and sunnier months. Either way, this episode likely appeals to the “black metallers” out there. I haven’t much else to say this month. Enjoy and thank you for the support.

See you in three weeks for the third annual dungeon synth / dark ambient special.

The artists and their respective tracks are as follows with each track time noted in the parentheses after each track:

Side One

01) Pa Vesh En – “A Funeral Procession”

02) Odz Manouk – “Damiens (The Regicide)”
03) Chambre Froide – “Les enfants de Baal” (09:55)

04) Soldier-Tower – “Lon Laith”
05) Current 93 – “Invocation of Almost”
06) This Heat – “Triumph” (26:00)

Side Two

07) Stratvm Terror – “Darkgrave” (28:25)
08) Terror Cell Unit – “The Nuclear Family” (32:45)
09) Slick Son – “How to Erase Yourself” (36:30)
10) Persona – “Getting Fucked” (40:00)
11) Game – “Foundation and Empire” (43:00)
12) The Arm and Sword of a Bastard God – “Annex Wasteland” (47:25)
13) Swamp Witch – “Bayou Tomb” (52:00)

*Reminder: You can follow A|E on Instagram for more content: @anxiety_eternal. 

**Comment (or DM on the IG account) if you’d like a download link and/or a physical cassette tape (ltd. to 10).