Back to our normal programming with another installment in the books. Heavy on the black metal this month, perhaps due to my realm of the Earth transitioning to Spring time. Who knows. Until next month, this is your faithful selector signing off for the month.
The artists and their respective tracks are as follows with each track time noted in the parentheses after each track:
Side One:
01) Cursed – “Friends in the Music Business”
02) Terrible – “Awaits Us All” (04:29)
03) Autopsy – “Critical Madness” (09:12)
04) Evulse – “Agoraphobia” (13:40)
05) Blasphamagoatachrist – “Fire Demons of Blokula” (16:03)
06) Medieval Demon – “Invisible Black Magic Ritual”(18:55)
07) Burier – “The Taste of Iron” (24:08)
Side Two:
08) Cultes Des Ghoules – “Serpent’s Curse Burns The Wound Of Christ” (28:15)
09) Voids of Nirvana – “An Alluring Curse Upon The Thief’s Jewels” (34:00)
10) Hollow Phobos – “The Sirens of Rho-Gamma” (38:15)
11) 8 Hour Animal – “Oblivs” (41:03)
12) Moor Mother – “Nois Bois” (46:00)
13) Røsenkøpf – “Heed” (47:40)
14) Night Sins – “Hot Dose” (53:12)
*Reminder: You can follow A|E on Instagram for more content @anxiety_eternal.
**Comment (or DM on the IG account) if you’d like a download link and/or a physical cassette tape (ltd. to 10).